Good to Know details for the upcoming Season

Letter from the President of The Redcoats Lacrosse Association

As 2024 wraps to a close, we are already gearing up with plans for the 2025 Redcoats lacrosse season. We want to thank everyone who participated in sharing both positive and constructive feedback through the end-of-season survey sent out in August, and other various conversations. The insights from these feedback mechanisms as well as from engagement with other lacrosse organizations in Ontario have led to some great discussions by the Board as we lean into planning for the 2025 season. There were certainly some “growing pain” learnings as an overall organization from the 2024 season – in particular around the decisions that were made around team structure and rosters at the U13 age level.  We’d like to acknowledge that, as a group of volunteers, neither the coaching staff nor the Board members always get things right. But the 2025 Board is absolutely committed to learning from these past situations, and the discussions by the Board around planning for the upcoming season come from a place of commitment to ensuring an appropriate and consistent plan for team structure decisions moving forward.

To ensure everyone is in the loop and understands how their feedback has helped drive decision making for the 2025 season, we wanted to proactively share a few details in advance of season registration opening. In 2025, our anticipation is to have rep teams at the following age groups:

·         U7 (2019 & 2020 birth years) – no player evaluations required, but depending on numbers the players may be separated into two sub-teams for games and tournaments to ensure the bench is not overly large and everyone has an opportunity to play, while also reducing thee travel demands on these younger players

·         U9 (2017 & 2018 birth years) – depending on registration numbers, the hope is to have two teams at this age level

·         U11 (2015-2016 birth years) – depending on registration numbers, the hope is to have two teams at this age level

·         U13 (2013-2014 birth years) – depending on registration numbers, the hope is to have two teams at this age level

·         U15 (2011-2012 birth years) – one team anticipated

At any age level where two teams are anticipated, player assignment across the 1 and 2 teams will be skills-based. There will be no rosters organized by major/minor divisions at any age group. The rough anticipation is that the 1 team will enter as a “B” level team and the 2 team (development team) will enter as a “D” level team – however input will be collected from assigned coaching staff at each age level (based on any understanding they may have of the anticipated talent pool for that age level) and these starting designations may be adjusted for specific age levels.

Roster sizes will be anywhere from minimum 13 players to maximum 18 players, based on whether there ends up being one or two teams at that age level. The decision to only have one team at an age level due to registration numbers does not guarantee that 18 players will be accepted on that roster – the designated Head Coach for each age level will be responsible for making decisions about roster size based on the range of skill levels of the players under consideration.

Coaching applications were due December 13th and coaching decisions are expected to be announced before Christmas. For age levels where two teams are anticipated, a head coach of the A team will be selected, unless there were also specific applications for the 2 team head coaching position. Otherwise, 2 team head coach decisions will be made once teams are selected (based on player alignment across the two teams).

Registration is anticipated to open on January 2nd (the earliest the OLA will allow us to open registration), and player evaluations will happen in January and February (dates and locations are being confirmed now and information will follow on this as soon as possible). The goal is to hold player evaluations earlier in the year to avoid typical conflicts with hockey players, and to allow teams to be formalized before the end of February. Having teams finalized this early in the year will allow for better planning for jerseys, tournaments, necessary floor time and other important season details. Additionally, players not offered a roster spot with the Redcoats can be released and attend tryouts in other centers. Only players who have registered by the time player evaluations begin and who have attended at least 3 of the evaluation sessions will be considered for a release. Please be aware that costs for the release process are generally at the expense of the player.

Only a $100 player evaluation tryout fee will be charged at registration, and full season fees will not be required to be paid until team assignments have been made. The registration fee for the 2025 season is still being discussed, but will be shared prior to registration opening.

At the recent OLA AGM, stricter rules regarding residency of players were discussed and voted in. Previously, the organization where a player was playing out of residency was subject to a $750 fine. This fine has now increased, but there are also additional penalties that will impact the player in question. Any player found to be guilty of playing out of their residential jurisdiction (without a release) will be suspended not only for the remainder of the current season but will also not be allowed to play anywhere in the OLA for the subsequent season. Any games played by a team with that player on the roster will also be conceded. As such, it is important that all players are registering with their correct association. If you have any questions about where you should be registering, please email the Registrar at   

The Peach King Arena will be closed again for renovations over the summer of 2025, however we will have access to BOTH the Fleming and Jordan arenas throughout the duration of the 2025 season – each on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings – to allow for a significant increase in access to floor time to utilize for practices and games. We recognize the challenges with floor time access in the 2024 season and anticipate that more floor time will also be needed in 2025 due to the potential increased number of teams, and this increased access will solve this problem.

Floor time has been booked for some “try before you buy” sessions over the holidays: Dec. 27th from 12-1, Dec. 28th from 1-2, and Jan. 3rd from 9-10. Please feel free to invite out any family and friends who may be interested in learning more about lacrosse in West Niagara!

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We may not be able to individually respond to each question, but we will aim to collate all questions and provide answers via a “frequently asked questions” section on the Redcoats website within the next few weeks.

Looking forward to a great 2025 season!–

Heather Forrest
Lincoln Redcoats Lacrosse Association

Registration will be opening soon- Please keep an eye out for the update on socials or here under the Registration tab. We look forward to another great season! #GOREDCOATSGO